No mes passado aqui na holanda eles estavam vendendo Daycard do trem, que te possibilita viajar ilimitado pela holanda por um dia de trem, então em um sabado eu e uma amiga decidimos ir visitar os moinhos de Zaanse...
Last month here in the Netherlands they were seeling a daycard of the train that is valuable for travelling in Holland for a whole day ilimited, so one saturday me and a friend went to visit the windmills of Zaanse...
O dia estava bem nublado e com uma garoa chata que parava e voltava toda hora, mas lá fomos nós...
The day was pretty cloudy and with an annoying drizzle thats was coming and going all the time, but anyway we went there...
se não me engano no primeiro moinho tu pode entrar pra dar uma olhada eles tem um video e uma lojinha de lembrancinhas...
if I'm not wrong it's in the first windmill that you can get in (without paying) to look a bit and there's some kind of short movie and a souvenir story...
if I'm not wrong it's in the first windmill that you can get in (without paying) to look a bit and there's some kind of short movie and a souvenir story...
Com a garoa o tempo estava bem gelado, então fomos de chocolate quente pra espantar o frio, nesse lugar tu faz o seu próprio chocolate quente, bem bacana...
because of the drizzle felt quite cold so then we went to a hot chocolat to scare out the cold. In that place you can do your own hot chocolate, pretty nice...
because of the drizzle felt quite cold so then we went to a hot chocolat to scare out the cold. In that place you can do your own hot chocolate, pretty nice...
Depois andamos até o final e ai foi quando baixou uma nevoa bem pesada...
then we went until the end of the place and that was when this fog came from nowhere...
then we went until the end of the place and that was when this fog came from nowhere...
Nós voltamos e entramos numa lojinha onde na entrada tinha essa vitrine com os queijos e tinha um rapaz explicando os tipos e tals, mas quando estavamos lá ele já tinha acabado de explicar...
We back and went to this little store where you could find this place where they where showing how the cheese are made and the types, sadly we got there when the guy just finish...
We back and went to this little store where you could find this place where they where showing how the cheese are made and the types, sadly we got there when the guy just finish...
Depois dessa parte tem um loja cheia de coisas tipicas holandesas...
eu, o pato, e os moinhos hahahaah
me the duck and the wondmills hahahaha
me the duck and the wondmills hahahaha
e foi então do nada, claro depois de muito vento, que o ceu decidiu abrir um pouco, possibilitando uma visão completamente nova do lugar...
and then suddenly, obviously after lots of wind the sky clear up and then we had a completely different vision of the place...
and then suddenly, obviously after lots of wind the sky clear up and then we had a completely different vision of the place...
lindo demais não???
beautiful isn't it?
beautiful isn't it?
No final tinha essa lojinha cheia de sapatos holandeses, amei a faixada...
in the end there was this place where you could find the typical dutch shoes, I loved this forefront...
in the end there was this place where you could find the typical dutch shoes, I loved this forefront...
e dentro você encontra muuuuitos sapatos e tem essa parte com a maquinário para a fabricação...
and inside you can find loooooots os ducth shoes and this part where you can see the machines that are makes the shoes...
tem alguns modelos expostos também...
there is also a 'exposition with funny types...
there is also a 'exposition with funny types...
adorei esse....
I loved it....
I loved it....
Depois o tempo ruim voltou de novo e a chuva ameaçou voltar, dessa vez mais forte, então decidimos ir para outra cidade, mas antes paramos nesse ~primeiro~ Albert Heijn, para quem não sabe Albert Heijn é uma das redes de mercados mais tradicionais aqui da Holanda....
The the weather was bad again and the rain back that time stronger so we decide ti leave to another city, but first we stopped at the ~first~ albert heijn, for those that don't know, Albert Heijn is one of the biggest supermakerts here in the Netherlands...
E tu pode entrar e ver alguns exemplos das embalagens e dos produtos...
You can go inside and see some old products of when they started...
You can go inside and see some old products of when they started...
Bom, depois de Zaanse nós iamos para Haarlem, mas os trens nessa direção estava com problema então decidimos mudar para Leiden, o que na verdade foi bem bacana pois a cidade é super charmosa...
Well after Zaanse we were going to Haarlem but the trains in that direction were not working good so then we decide to go to Leiden, that was a nice choice because the city is super charming...
Well after Zaanse we were going to Haarlem but the trains in that direction were not working good so then we decide to go to Leiden, that was a nice choice because the city is super charming...
Tava rolando uma feira gigantesssca no cento proximo ao canal...
There was somebig open market going on in the middle of the city next to the canal...
There was somebig open market going on in the middle of the city next to the canal...
Apaixonei na arquitetura dessa igreja
I loved that church
I loved that church
Depois descobrimos que no meio da cidade tinha uma espécie de 'forte' e fomos lá conferir... (esse efeito borrado nas minhas fotos é por causa da minha lente molhada)
Walking around we found in the middle of the city this "fort" and went there to see... (this blur effect on my photos is because of the rain drops on my lens)
Walking around we found in the middle of the city this "fort" and went there to see... (this blur effect on my photos is because of the rain drops on my lens)
a vista lá de cima é incriveeeeel...
the view from there is really incredible...
the view from there is really incredible...
apaixonei muito nesse lugar!!!
I looooved this spot!!!!
I looooved this spot!!!!
adorei essa faixada...
Depois a chuva voltou com tudo e decidimos tentar ir a outra cidade antes de escurecer, mas os trens de toda essa area estava com problemas/reformas e não conseguimos e decidimos voltar pra casa, o que levou algumas horas hahaha
Then the raind backs really bad and we decide to try to go to another city before the sun went down but was already late and the trains in this area were all working bad so we decide to back home which took a few hours hahaha
Then the raind backs really bad and we decide to try to go to another city before the sun went down but was already late and the trains in this area were all working bad so we decide to back home which took a few hours hahaha
Espero que vocês tenham gostado!!! Mais um pouquinho da Holanda! Tudo aqui é tão gracinha, as cidades sempre tem algo incrivel, uma pena que não seja tão barato circular por aqui e que eu já tenha meus finais de semana contados, queria muito conhecer muitas outras cidades, mas bem, quem sabe outra vez....
I hope you liked it! A little bit more about Holland! Everything here is so nice and the cities always have something nice and differente, it's a shame that is not so cheap to travel around here and that I have not too much time anymore, I wish I could go to lots of other cities but well who knows next time...
O proximo post será já sobre a primeira cidade que visitei nas minhas ferias após o carnaval! Até mais!!!!
The next post will be about the frst city that I visited in my carnaval vacation!! See ya!!!
Esse lugar é um sonho de tão lindo. Algumas coisas me lembraram muito Sherlock Holmes hehe.