Um final de semana desses eu e uma amiga fomos convidadas por outros amigos para ir para Deventer, e lá fomos nós, nesse dia nevou bastante durante a madrugada e só consgui sair de casa de tarde, mas cheguei lá simplesmente na melhor hora para fotografar: Golden hour. e fomos direto da estação explorar a cidade....
Some weekend ago me and a friend were invited by other friends to go to Deventer and we did it. but this day in the night/morning we had lots of snow so I just went there in the afternoon but luckely I got there in the best time to take photos: in the golden hour, so we went from the station straight to explore the city...
me apaixonei demais na luz dessa foto!
this light is just tooooo lovely!
this light is just tooooo lovely!
Nós pegamos um barquinho pra cruzar o Canal (que acho que é um rio porque ele é grande) pra ir do outro lado da cidade ter a melhor visão panoramica do centro...
We went in a boat to cross the canal (that I think is actually some kind of river becaus it was too big) to go to the other side of deventer to have the best view of the city...
We went in a boat to cross the canal (that I think is actually some kind of river becaus it was too big) to go to the other side of deventer to have the best view of the city...
Lindo demais!!!!!
sooo beautiful!!!!
sooo beautiful!!!!
Depois voltamos pela ponte, e mais otimos angulos....
Then we back by the bridge, and more lovelies angles...
Then we back by the bridge, and more lovelies angles...
luz ♥
light ♥
light ♥
Galera esse aqui é o "oehoe guy" de Deventer, ele anda pela cidade toda de bicicleta gritando "oooeeeehooooooeeee", ele é tipo uma lenda já hahaha e por MUITA SORTE ele decidiu cruzar a ponte quando estavamos lá! mas eu estava tirando foto da luz e ele veio muito rapido e a foto ficou essa nhaca, mas enfim, uma lembrança, a outra esta melhor...
Well this is the "oehoe guy" of Deventer, he goes around the city cycling and screaming "oooeeeehooooooeeee", he is kind of a legend already haha and LUCKELY he decide to cross the bridge when we were there! The photo is terrible because I was taking photos of the light in the bridge and I forgot to change and he cames really fast but ok I did it! the other one is better...
Well this is the "oehoe guy" of Deventer, he goes around the city cycling and screaming "oooeeeehooooooeeee", he is kind of a legend already haha and LUCKELY he decide to cross the bridge when we were there! The photo is terrible because I was taking photos of the light in the bridge and I forgot to change and he cames really fast but ok I did it! the other one is better...
Depois fomos tomar um drink no centro e quando saímos de lá já estávamos de noite e fomos pra casa de um amigo trocar de roupa para a festa!
Then we got in the city center and went for a drink and when we leave was already relly dark so we went to our friends house to dress up for a party!
Then we got in the city center and went for a drink and when we leave was already relly dark so we went to our friends house to dress up for a party!
No outro dia bem cedo, tá não tão cedo assim, porque dormimos bem tarde, nós seguimos para Gouda, mais conhecida como a cidade do queijo, mas domingo definitivamente não foi um bom dia, pois tudo estava fechado, a parte boa: deu pra fazer muitas fotos lindas sem ninguem atrapalhando, mas tenho muito que voltar em gouda para ir no mercado de queijo de lá!!!!
In the other day early, ok not that early, because we went to sleep really late, we went to Gouda, well knowing as the cheese city but defenitely Sunday was not a good day to go there because everything was closed btw the good part: I could do lots of nice photos without people crossing my way well but anyway I have to back there to go to the cheese market one day!
Começamos pelo museu do queijo onde uma moça muito simpatica nos deu o mapa da cidade com a rota das atrações e algumas dicas de cafes e lugares bacanas...
We started at the Cheese museum where a really fiendly lady gave us the map of the cities with the nice rotes and told us some nice places to eat and visit....
apaixonei demais nesse predio que mais parece um castelo!
I was really in love with this buiding that looks like a castle!
I was really in love with this buiding that looks like a castle!
Folowwing one os the tips of the Lady we went to the Museum café to have lunch and the place was REALLY LOVELY...

essa mesa estava posta para um brunch especial que eles tem lá que tu tem que fazer a reserva antes...
this table was set for a special brunch that they have there that you must do a reservation before...
this table was set for a special brunch that they have there that you must do a reservation before...
Lindo demais não??????
lovely yeah????
lovely yeah????
O chocolate quente mais fofo do mundoooooo!!!
the cutest hot cholate of the world!!!!
E o lanche yummmy com gouda cheese.
and the yummmmy sandwich with Gouda cheese.
and the yummmmy sandwich with Gouda cheese.
Depois seguimos na rota das atrações da cidade...
then we back to the route...
then we back to the route...
eu achei esse café muito engraçado, mas não chegamos a entrar...
I through this was funny but we didn't get in..
I through this was funny but we didn't get in..
vocês conseguem notar algo estranho nessa foto???
Can you see something diferrent in this photo?
Can you see something diferrent in this photo?
Depois quando já era mais tarde, nós decidimos ir nessa outra dica, que ficava bem no centro perto do museu do queijo, porque quando terminamos a rota estavamos lá de novo, fiquei feliz que dessa vez eu finalmente tirei foto dos lugares bacanas que comi, e das coisas que comi também
When we finish we decide to go the the other place that the lady told us that was right next to the cheese museum because in the end of the route we were there again. I was happy about that for the first time I remembered to take photos of the places that I wen and of the tings that I ate...
When we finish we decide to go the the other place that the lady told us that was right next to the cheese museum because in the end of the route we were there again. I was happy about that for the first time I remembered to take photos of the places that I wen and of the tings that I ate...
bom, o café era uma graça e o garçom super simpatico, nos deixou provar a Sopa de queijo de Gouda, que minhas amigas super comeram, mas eu...
This Centraal café was lovelu and the waitress was super nice and let us taste a bit of the Gouda cheese soup that my friend went for, but I...
This Centraal café was lovelu and the waitress was super nice and let us taste a bit of the Gouda cheese soup that my friend went for, but I...
fui de torta de maça (super conhecida de lá) e que super recomendo porque é enorme e deliciosa!!! e um capuccino delicia também!!!
I ate apple pie that I really recomend because is reallly nice and big hahah and a delicious capuccino too!!!
I ate apple pie that I really recomend because is reallly nice and big hahah and a delicious capuccino too!!!
e com essa gordice, eu encerro aqui esse post. Espero que vocês tenham gostado! Eu fui para outras cidades da holanda, mas muitas delas eu esqueci de levar minha camera e/ou esqueci de postar, alias acho que algumas eu até perdi as fotos e não me lembro mais porque não as encontro, mas enfim... aqui estou com o que me resta ahahaha
and with this I finish this post I hope that you like it! I've been in another cities here in holland but I completely forgot my camera or I forgot to post about it and then was too late, actually I think I lost some photos because I cannot find it anymore btw I'm here with this new ones ahahah
tenho mais um final de semana para postar e ai estarei atualizada!!!!
parece até mentira! hahaha
I have just one more weekend to post and then I'll be done!!!
I can't believe it!!! ahhaah
I can't believe it!!! ahhaah
até mais!
see ya!
uau! Beea e seus posts gigantes e lindoooos, essa cidade é muito linda *O* amei as fotos!
ResponderExcluirNossa, essa é a viagem dos sonhos de qualquer um, a cidade é muito linda, as suas fotos também. Curti sua pagina do face, suas ilustrações são maravilhosas, quero um dia encomendar uma. hahaha