Budapeste foi a cidade que mais me surpreendeu por enquanto, eu amei demaaaaaaaaais tudo por lá! Foi muito doido, muitas pessoas disseram que era incrível e tudo, mas minhas expectativas não era tão grandes, vai ver foi por isso que amei tanto!
Budapest surprised me sooooo much, I think was the only one that did it until now, I really loved there and I think my expectations was not that big so may be that's why I loved it so much!
Chegamos por lá de noite a visão da cidade toda iluminada do avião já foi demais, depois de ir do aeroporto até o hostel e tudo mais levamos um tempo e acabamos por decidir descansar para aproveitar bem o outro dia, o hostel era bem bacana (Avenue Hostel), tem alumas fotos dele no final (sim eu lembrei dessa vez!), e ficava numa localização ótima o Octogono.
We got ther at night and the view from the airplane of the city all lit up was already really nice, and then we spended some time to get from the airport to the hostel and then we were quite tired and decided to stay in the hostel chatting for this night to enjoy the next day better. The hostel that we choosed was pretty nice (Avenue Hostel) I did some photos of the place (yay I remembered this time) and the location was really good either, it was on the Octogono.
No dia 21 começamos nossa andança e decidimos começar Pelo Topo da Cidade (a parte Pest, que era aonde estávamos), só algumas estações de metro e estávamos lá!
On the 21th we decided to start in the 'top' of the city in the pest side where we were, and it was just some stations ahead.
Vajdahunyad Castle (nem preciso comentar que já me apaixonei né?).
Vajdahunyad Castle ( I dont need to say that I loved it yeah?)
Vajdahunyad Castle ( I dont need to say that I loved it yeah?)
Heroes Square
Uma coisa que gostei muito foram esses predios bem antigos meio ruinas, Budapest é cheio deles, me apaixonei e fiz mil cliques...
One of the things that makes me fall in love with Budapest was this ruins buildings, there are lost of them and I did lots of clicks....
One of the things that makes me fall in love with Budapest was this ruins buildings, there are lost of them and I did lots of clicks....
Casa do Terror, que não entramos..
Terror house, we didn't get in
Terror house, we didn't get in
No almoço paramos no Café Bali (a fachada era fofa mas esqueci de tirar foto) e comemos a panqueca típica da Hungria, uma delicia!!!!
On the lunch time we stopped on the Café Bali and ate the typical Hungarian pancake, delicious!!!
On the lunch time we stopped on the Café Bali and ate the typical Hungarian pancake, delicious!!!
Depois seguimos em direção a ponte para o lado Buda, e encontramos mil coisas lindas no meio do caminho...
Then we went to the bridge to the Buda side and found lots of nice things in the way....
Then we went to the bridge to the Buda side and found lots of nice things in the way....
A Ponte entre os dois lados... nessa hora o ceu cinza começou a se tornar azul...
The bridge.. at this time the sky was clear and the blue came out...
The bridge.. at this time the sky was clear and the blue came out...
A parte Buda é gigante e tem varias subidas, mas a vista de lá de cima vale SUPER a pena!
The Buda side is really big and you have to climb a lot but this totally worth it!
The Buda side is really big and you have to climb a lot but this totally worth it!
As ruas também são cheia de charme e detalhes bacanas...
The streets were really charming too...
The streets were really charming too...
Eu morri de amores por essa igreja e seus detalhes/cores...
I fell in love with this church and the details and colors of it...
I fell in love with this church and the details and colors of it...
Depois descemos pelo mirante **** pois já estávamos bem cansadas e ainda tinha algumas coisas para ver na parte de baixo...
Then we got down in the **** and we were already tired and we still had some things to see on the bottom...
Then we got down in the **** and we were already tired and we still had some things to see on the bottom...
O incrível Parlamento...
The amazing Parlamient...
The amazing Parlamient...
Depois voltamos para o Hostel, foi quando descobri que o famoso e lindo Book Café - Lotz-terem que era dentro de uma livraria ficava a apenas um quarteirão e fomos lá conferir...
Then we back to the hostel and that was when I found out thar the beautiful Book Café - Lotz-terem was just next to there and then we went there...
Then we back to the hostel and that was when I found out thar the beautiful Book Café - Lotz-terem was just next to there and then we went there...
Ele era magnifico e cheio de coisas gostosas também...
Inside it was really amazing and with lots of nice food too...
Inside it was really amazing and with lots of nice food too...
Quando escureceu, voltamos para ver o Parlamento de Noite, ainda mais encantador...
When was already dark we back to see the Parlamient with all the lights up and is was really charming...
When was already dark we back to see the Parlamient with all the lights up and is was really charming...
Não consegui parar com os Bokehs, pois as luzes eram tão lindas...
Depois voltamos para o Hostel e eu fui me preparar para sair com uns amigos a Manu estava bem cansada e não quis nos acompanhar, eu fui numa das famosas baladas/ruinas de Budapest a Szimpla Bar, super bacana, e com brasileiros para todos os lados... hahaha
Atfer this I back to the hostel to get prepared to ent out with some friends that lived there and Manu decided to stay. So I went in some famous ruin/pub of Budapest the Szimpla Bar, reaaallly nice, and with lots of brasiliand around... ahahha
No outo dia decidimos ir para o outro lado da cidade e subir na Estatua, mas estava chovendo, frio pra caramba e ventando, acabamos desistindo, e fomos só no Central Market Hall
The next day we decided to go to the other side of the city and climb the famous statue, but it was raining and cold and with a really bad wind so we gave up and just went to the Central Market Hall
Depois voltamos andando pelo centro...
we back to the center walking...
we back to the center walking...
Passamos por uma rua cheia de Sebos e Antiquarios ...
we passed through one street full of old bookstores and antique shops...
we passed through one street full of old bookstores and antique shops...
E voltamos para o hostel o tempo estava bem ruim ...
And back to the hostel because the weather was really bad...
And back to the hostel because the weather was really bad...
eu achei esses trens uma gracinha e tive que registrar..
this train was so cute that I had to shot...
this train was so cute that I had to shot...
Nosso hostel...
our hostel...
our hostel...
Depois, eu acabei saindo para almoçar sozinha, comi em uma Hamburgueria a Ring Café & Burguer Bar, que encontrei pela area do hostel, incríveeeel, e com a a melhor sobremesa ever, um brownie de chocolate com creme de cheese cake e framboesa, infelizmente não levei a câmera para fotografar essas belezas. E o resto da tarde eu passei curiando lojas na área, principalmente livrarias, acabei por comprar um livro ilustrado em hungaro na Írók Boltja, lindo de morrer e baratíssismo, para os 'padrões europeios', alias tudo era absurdamente barato em Budapeste, dos lugares que fui, foi o que mais comi bem e em lugares bacanas e por pouquíssimos euros, isso me fez amar ainda mais Budapest haahah
De noite tivemos que pegar nosso ônibus para Vienna...
Hasta la vista Budapest!!!!
I went to have lunch alone and I found a really nice place the Ring Café & Burguer Bar, that was in the area of the hostel and they had the best dessert ever, a brownie with cream cheese and rapsberry, sadly I didn't take my camera so I don't have photos of this. Then I was walking around the stories, mostly in book stores and I found a really nice Hungarian illustred book on the Írók Boltja, and it was so cheep, actually everything in Budapest was really cheap, this is one of the things that makes me love even more Budapest ahahah
At night we had to take our bus to Vienna...
See yaa Budapest!!!!
Bom, espero que vocês tenham gostado das fotos!
Vou tentar finalizar pelo menos Vienna essa semana também!
Bom restinho de semana para vocês!!!!
I hope you like it
I'll ty to finish Vienna this week too.
Good week for you all!!
I'll ty to finish Vienna this week too.
Good week for you all!!
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