Aqui estou com o segundo post sobre Paris (yaaaaaaay)
Agora com as fotos editadas ficou bem mais facil de aparecer aqui, espero conseguir postar tudo logo pois, mes que vem ja tenhos outras viagens planejadas (yaaaaaaay).
Here I am with the second post about Paris (yaaaaay)
Now with all the photos edited is much easier show up here more often I hope I can post everything really quicly because next month I already have new travelling plans (yaaaaaay)
Here I am with the second post about Paris (yaaaaay)
Now with all the photos edited is much easier show up here more often I hope I can post everything really quicly because next month I already have new travelling plans (yaaaaaay)
Então vamos ao que interessa!!!!
No segundo dia eu decidi que ia bater perna o máximo que conseguisse, e olhaaa fiquei bem feliz com o que consegui fazer. Mas vamos ao inicio, de manhã teve um tour no hostel para conhecer Paris andando, eu fui porque meus roomates queriam ir, mas o tour era pelo centro, onde eu ja tinha passado no dia anterior, mas fui mesmo assim. A guia era uma fofa animadisssssima (foto? não tenho :/), e fiquei sabendo um monte de historia bacana sobre o centro de Paris. Começamos pela area de Notre-Dame, como ja tinha fotografado o suficiente no outro dia deixei passar, e depois descemos o canal em direção ao Louvre.
In the second day I decided to walk as much as I could and I get really impressed about how much I did. But let's start with the beggining, in the morning on my Hostel they were doing some tour in the center of Paris so my roomates decided to go and I joined them besides the fact that I already went there. The guide was really funny and excited about telling us all about Paris (I dont have photos os her shame on me!) and she told us a lot of new and curious stuff about Paris. We started basically around Notre Dame where I took a lot of photos already on the day before and then we went by the Canal to the Louvre
In the second day I decided to walk as much as I could and I get really impressed about how much I did. But let's start with the beggining, in the morning on my Hostel they were doing some tour in the center of Paris so my roomates decided to go and I joined them besides the fact that I already went there. The guide was really funny and excited about telling us all about Paris (I dont have photos os her shame on me!) and she told us a lot of new and curious stuff about Paris. We started basically around Notre Dame where I took a lot of photos already on the day before and then we went by the Canal to the Louvre
E passamos pela Famosa Pont des Arts que nada mais é que a Ponte do "Amor", onde você encontra os famosos cadeados!
We went by the phamous Pont des Arts that love bridge full of love padlockers.
We went by the phamous Pont des Arts that love bridge full of love padlockers.
Minha roomate australiana!
My roomate from Australia
My roomate from Australia
E depois fomos em direção ao Louvre que estava com uma fila IMENSA para variar!
Then we went to Louvre and the line was reaaallly big as always.
No final do Louvre em direção ao jardim tem um parquinho INCRÍVEL, que queria ter tirado mais fotos, mas só tirei essas duas :/ mas da próxima usarei minha 50mm lá, como estava com a galera do tour não podia ficar demorando milênios nas fotos!
In the end of the Louvre area on the right side of the garden there was a really nice fair ground I wish I had taken more photos but I didn't I just took this two :/ next time I'll use my 50mm lens because I was with the people of the tour so I coudn't be taking too much time on the photos.
Depois começou a chover fortíssimo e passamos super correndo pelos jardins e em frente aos museus e o tour terminou na Praça da Concórdia.
The rain starts really bad and ruined the tour so we went quicly by the garden and in front of the museuns and ended the tou on the Concordia square.
The rain starts really bad and ruined the tour so we went quicly by the garden and in front of the museuns and ended the tou on the Concordia square.
chuva e mais chuva. Depois fui para o hostel com meu roomates trocar de sapato e pegar uma blusa e sai correndo em direção a outro destinos, sozinha dessa vez, e nessa a chuva ja tinha parado.
rain and more raining. After the ending we went back to the hostel I changed my shoes and took my jacket and went back to my other destinations this time alone, by this time the rain went away already.
O primeiro destino foi subir as escadas eternas em direção a Sacre Coeur, que para variar estava lotada!
The first destination was get up on the thousands steps to the Sacre Couer there was a lot of people as spected.
The first destination was get up on the thousands steps to the Sacre Couer there was a lot of people as spected.
Fiquei apaixonada por esse angulo da igreja!
I was in love with this side of the Church.
I was in love with this side of the Church.
E a vista de lá era bem bacana!
and the view was awesome!
and the view was awesome!
Descendo a Sacre C'ourt fui para no meio do Bairro Montmartre, o mais charmoso e fofo ever, conhecido como o bairro dos artistas, queira ter feito mais fotos por lá e explorado mais o bairro, mas já estava cansada, com alguns lugares a ir ainda e também já estava ficando tarde...
Getting down from the Sacre Couer I went to the Montmartre the most famous and cute ever, this is the artistic neighboorhood, I wish I had taken more photos there and explored more the place but by this time I was already tired, with some places to go yet and was already getting late...
Getting down from the Sacre Couer I went to the Montmartre the most famous and cute ever, this is the artistic neighboorhood, I wish I had taken more photos there and explored more the place but by this time I was already tired, with some places to go yet and was already getting late...
macaron ♥ ♥ ♥
Então desci em direção ao Moulin Rouge ♥
So then I went to the Moulin Rouge
So then I went to the Moulin Rouge
Depois peguei o metro cruzei a cidade e fui para os Jardins de Luxemburgo
After that I get the metro and I went to the Luxemburgo's Gardens
After that I get the metro and I went to the Luxemburgo's Gardens
coisa mais linda e amada essas flores ♥
sooo cute and lovely all this flowers
sooo cute and lovely all this flowers
e a chuva voltou!
rain came back
rain came back
Sol e chuva ao mesmo tempo!
Sun and raining on the same time!
Sun and raining on the same time!
Me apaixonei por esses vazinhos de flores, não consegui para de fotar, até troquei e acabei usando minha 50mm, não resisti! ♥
I was in love with this flowers I couldn't stop to take ohotos of it I used my 50mm and was more and more in love about it!
Depois peguei o metro em direção a Torre e fui parar em algum lugar onde encontrei varias coisas lindas hahaha o Lindo de Paris é isso, cada vez que tu se perde tu se depara com coisas mais lindas ainda! ♥
After that I get the Metro again to go to the Tower and I stopped on a place with a lot of cute places, thats the best of Paris, even when you get lost you find a lot of beutiful things around!
E lá estava ela! ♥
vocês conseguem ver o arco-iris????? ele estava todo tímido! quase não saiu na foto! mas eu tentei hahaha
Can you see a rainbow???? it was sooo soft I almost coudn't take on my photos but i tried!!! ahahah
o ceu era uma combinação doida de nublado e azul o tempo todo, dependia da direção que tu pegava.
The sky was crazily changing all the time...
almost there......
E finalmente nos encontramos! o céu estava magnifico e eu morri de amores (claaaaaaaaro, como não morrer?) ♥
And finally we met! The sky was awesome and I fell completely in love (obviously How couldn't I?)
Tinha um bando de gente lá sentado, naquele solzinho que decidiu apareceu um pouquinho para deixar as fotos mais lindas ♥ ♥ ♥
There was a lot of people sitting and enjoying the sund that decides to show up a little bit to make all the photos better
There was a lot of people sitting and enjoying the sund that decides to show up a little bit to make all the photos better
Meu anel do Design Tun, não podia deixar de levar né? ♥
my Design Tun ring that I couldn't forget to take photo of course yeah?
my Design Tun ring that I couldn't forget to take photo of course yeah?
e foi nessa hora que decidi descansar um pouco...
And then I decided to take a little rest watching this beauty...
ela linda em todos os angulos e luzes, sim ou claro? ♥
beautiful in any angle and light yes or of course?
beautiful in any angle and light yes or of course?
Carroceis, esse eu fiquei mil anos até conseguir fotos que me agradassem, muito amor né? ♥
Carousel I was a looot of time trying to get 'the perfect' photo of it, lovely yeah?
Carousel I was a looot of time trying to get 'the perfect' photo of it, lovely yeah?
E então lá fui eu pro outro lado da torre esperar escurecer, detalhe estávamos em pleno verão o por do sol era só por volt das 9:30/10h o que ajudou um pouco foram a nuvens, fiquei la sentada e tinha um bando de gente já esperando, gastei um pouco meu espanhol porque nossa como tinha gente falando espanhol por lá...
Then I went to the other side of the Tower to wait the sunrise, we were on summer so the sunise was just around 9:30/10h the cloudies helped a little bit to make the night dark quickly and I was there resting and speaking a little bit os spanish there was sooo many people speaking spannish around...
Ultimos raios de sol aparecendo um pouquinho e iluminando só a torre, morri de amores! ♥
The lasts sunshines on the tower, lovelyyyyyyyy
minha Instax ficou com um efeito MEGA VINTAGE que eu amei muito! ♥
my instax got some vintage effect that I completely loved!
my instax got some vintage effect that I completely loved!
E finalmente quando era mais de 10h ela acendeu-se...
And finally after 10 they turned it on...
E começou a piscar.... ♥
and started to flashing....
and started to flashing....
Essa é a minha foto favorita ever! ela é a mesma do banner de abertura desse post! ♥ ♥ ♥
This is my favorite one of all my photos this is the same as the banner on the beggining of the post!
This is my favorite one of all my photos this is the same as the banner on the beggining of the post!
mais bokehs, porque amo!!!!!! ♥
bokehs because I love it!!!!!
bokehs because I love it!!!!!
Sem bokehs porque né, tinha que ter hahaahah ♥ Já estava ficando dificil de fotografar na mão sem apoio :3
Without bokehs also! It was really difficult already to take photos without a support :3
Without bokehs also! It was really difficult already to take photos without a support :3
Esse foi resumidamente meu dia, corrido e cruzando a cidade toda, era de se esperar que eu estivesse morta no final né? pois é eu estava! Cheguei no hostel morta e estava rolando musica ao vivo no bar, super bacana, fiquei lá curtindo enquanto jantava, e as horas voaram, acabei indo dormir super tarde, e tinha planejado deixar os museus para o ultimo dia mas........
And that was my day, busy and crossing the whole city in the end as spected I was realllly tired I went to the Hostel and there was going on some live music show in the bar and I went there to have a dinner and the time just went so fast and I ended up going to sleep really late and I was plaining for the next day go to the museums but......
Bom, espero que vocês tenham gostado!!!!! Incrível como todas essas fotos foram tiradas no mesmo dia, depois que terminei de editar achei engraçadíssimo.
Well, I hope you liked it!!! Incredible the fact that so many differents photos was taken in the same day when I finish the edition I notice that...
Well, I hope you liked it!!! Incredible the fact that so many differents photos was taken in the same day when I finish the edition I notice that...
Pretendo voltar logo com o terceiro dia, que nem tenho tantas fotos assim por motivos de: minha bateria acabou e eu não tinha outra (yaaay, ainda não tenho alias :/), masss tenho ainda algumas coisas a compartilhar antes de começar a postar Barcelona!
I think I can come back soon with the 3rd day I don't have so many photos to post about this day because my battery finish and I didn't had another one (I still don't have it shame on me) but I still have some things to share before start the Barcelonas' photos!!
See yaaaa!!!!
Quanta foto perfeita!! Qual é a câmera que você usa para tirar essas fotos? Amei simplesmente tudo!
Obrigada!!!!!! eu uso uma Nikon D3100 ;)
ExcluirQue fotos maravilhosas!!!! Quando fui a Paris só tive um dia pra andar na cidade e não consegui ver nem um terço do que eu gostaria :(
ResponderExcluirConsegui visitar um pouquinho mais da cidade através das suas fotos rsrs
Nossa essa cidade é perfeita *-*
ResponderExcluirComo não amar Paris?
Impossível escolher uma foto preferida <3
Socorroooo, tem muita foto linda!! hahaha
ResponderExcluirParis é linda, quero muito entrar dentro dessas fotografias :)
Nossa que fotos lindas! Qual câmera vc usa?
ResponderExcluirobg!!! nikon d3100 ;)
ExcluirUma foto mais linda que a outra!!!! Já quero mais post porque tá pouco hehehe *-*
ResponderExcluirBeijos ♥
Morri com tanta foto linda!
ResponderExcluir*o* Meu sonho é conhecer Paris!
ResponderExcluirViajei pelo seu post!
Geeente, quanta foto linda! Tudo muito mágico, simplesmente amei <3